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ETalk.TV Live

Brad Olsen
CCC Publishing
The YouTube Esoteric Series is a collection of videos featuring author Brad Olsen speaking about the contents of the Esoteric Book Series. The first playlist comes from the launch party slideshow lecture for the book "Future Esoteric: The Unseen Realms." Upcoming playlists will include Brad Olsen on "Coast to Coast AM" and the next book to be released in the series: "Modern Esoteric: Beyond Our Senses." Fast forward, rewind, pause. It's all here. And remember to visit for all your full episode needs. The goal is to expand consciousness in all the subjects considered "esoteric."
The YouTube Esoteric Series is a collection of videos featuring author Brad Olsen speaking about the contents of the Esoteric Book Series. The first playlist comes from the launch party slideshow lecture for the book "Future Esoteric: The Unseen Realms." Upcoming playlists will include Brad Olsen on "Coast to Coast AM" and the next book to be released in the series: "Modern Esoteric: Beyond Our Senses." Fast forward, rewind, pause. It's all here. And remember to visit for all your full episode needs. The goal is to expand consciousness in all the subjects considered "esoteric."

Viviane Chauvet
The Infinite Star Connection
Viviane Chauvet is an international speaker recognized for her work as an advanced Arcturian hybrid avatar. She specializes in multidimensional frequency healing, intergalactic channeling, soul matrix healing, and holographic body template upgrade. CEO of “Infinite Healing from the Stars", Viviane has done thousands of healing sessions with clients worldwide. Her first collaborative #1 Best Seller book “Wisdom of the Silver Sisters – Guiding Grace” is available on Amazon. Viviane also features in j3FILMS award-winning third documentary “Extraordinary: The Revelations.” Today, she is the producer and co-host of The Infinite Star Connections podcast. Viviane recently joined W.I.S.H. Alliance as an Ambassador and will be speaking at many conferences.
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Hero Paranormal Podcast

Beyond the Strange
Welcome to Beyond The Strange. We don’t just cover paranormal, we go beyond. With new guests and cutting edge paranormal talks we cover all things strange, bizarre and unexplained. UFO’s, inter dimensional beings, cryptids such as Bigfoot and unexplained phenomena is just the tip of the iceberg. So join us every Monday evening 7pmPST right here on and visit to learn more about the show. You’ll be glad you did. And remember, always Stay Strange!

The Obelisk
We strive to maintain an open and neutral environment as hosts.
Please visit our website to find podcast versions of all our shows and links to all our social media:

The Bret Lueder Show

Late Night at the Rockies
We Are Paradox Media is your global paranormal experience! We are here to open the doors for you to the paranormal and Beyond! Buckle down tight and hold on loosely as we soar into the paradox of the unknown together!
Streaming live here
6-9pm pacific
Every Saturday & Sunday nights
Streaming live here
6-9pm pacific
Every Saturday & Sunday nights

All roads lead to the placenta! One is fully accounted for from first inspiration until final expired breath.
Streaming Live Saturday 10-12pm pacific

The Energy That Surrounds Us
The Energy That Surrounds Us is hosted by Michael Kopf. This show is about all things paranormal. I am interested in topics in the paranormal field such as spirit/ghost investigations, haunted history of locations, UFO/UAP, dimensional beings, parallel universe theory, past lives, gifts people share, cryptids & more. I will share my interest in the SSP and Disclosure in my special series TETSU: Riding Thorugh the Unknown. I do interviews with guests, showcase locations that I enjoy investigating, investigation techniques, paranormal equipment creators & more. I am all about learning new techniques & sharing what I know with paranormal teams across the USA and beyond. Please join me every week on Tuesdays at 9pmCST. I hope you enjoy this journey I am on.
Michelle Gray has graciously joined me as a temporary Co-Host as she learns the ropes of hosting a show. She is working on creating her own shows and I am happy to be of help to her. Carla Norris has decided to step back from this show to pursue a new show with two other teammates. I wish her and her show she is starting great success.
Michelle Gray has graciously joined me as a temporary Co-Host as she learns the ropes of hosting a show. She is working on creating her own shows and I am happy to be of help to her. Carla Norris has decided to step back from this show to pursue a new show with two other teammates. I wish her and her show she is starting great success.

Consciously Rising

DJ Blue

Paranormal VS
This podcast is hosted by Kell Ridley in the UK and is co-hosted by Michael Kopf in the USA. This show is about differences in paranormal aspects between the UK and USA. We also do interviews with guests. We also discuss our own personal experiences. We have guests from UK and USA in different fields of the paranormal. Please come and enjoy our podcast show. Our show is every other Thursday at 7:30pmGMT/1:30pmCST. Hope to see you in the chat room.

Mr Blue TV

Welcome to the world of disclosure. I am your podcast/vodcast host of this series. My name is Michael Kopf & I created this series as a way to share information that I have been interested in for years and have been researching. This series is being created and designed to help people understand and learn what information is being hidden from us. Join me as I pull the curtain back and take a glimpse at what is being hidden from us. Also join me as I talk with guests and share experiences along my journey with them all to help gain understanding of myself and what is truly happening all around us. This is a glimpse into what also interests me and I hope if you are watching, it sparks an interest in you to keep doing your own homework and research. This is also a journey of self discovery for me as I look into my past which has been blocked from me. Join me as I talk with guests and unlock memories and learn about myself as well. Welcome to my journey of Riding Through the Unknown.
Links to watch the Show:
Links to watch the Show:

The Melted Broadcast
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