Come join Michael Kopf as he sits down to talk with Heidi Popp. Heidi Popp is a solution based wayshower currently in the Los Angeles area. She is a childhood experiencer of the paranormal who has studied and participated in the disclosure communities for decades. Her passion for entertainment took her through thirty successful years in the Motion Picture Industry. Her career and successful small business allowed her to "Find The Others" within Hollywood. Eventually she began hosting gatherings, workshops, and events for fellow like minds. As of March 2020, she officially walked away from the film set life to focus on her children... and to normalize the paranormal. She currently is a lead educator at a learning enrichment center for homeschoolers in LA. Guiding our youth and protecting our future is Heidi's daily mission offline. Still a fan of speaking to crowds, she can be found interviewing fellow wayshowers and sharing high vibrational synapses on her podcasts and vlogs.
links for Heidi Popp can be found via the following link:
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