A rural western Ontario landowner recalls their encounter with a tall, pale white humanoid in the woods near their home. The couple living nearest to him has also seen and heard the humanoid.
"I live outside of Kenora, Ontario, Canada in a rural area. My house is about 100 meters from a small stream that splits the small wooded lot in half. I was there one day and all of a sudden I felt cold and uncomfortable like I was being watched. I also became increasingly paranoid that somebody or something was out there with me. I decided to head in. The sun was setting and dusk would be upon me soon.
I started walking towards my house. As I approached the edge of the woods I turned around and briefly saw a large creature about 80 yards from me standing across the stream. It then proceeded to take a step toward me. I panicked. I ran out of those woods in about 5 seconds. It's the most I've ever been scared and the most adrenaline that I've ever felt run through me. In the brief period of time that I saw this 'thing,' I could tell that it was pale white, tall, and humanoid.
It's believed by First Nations people that a Wendigo will call you for help like a human in order to lure people toward it. I have heard what sounds like a little girl calling for help out in those woods. It's still terrifying to even think about this.
About a year later, after a heavy snowfall, I again heard the calls of a girl coming from the woods. I looked out the window but didn't see anything. That night, the sounds continued off and on. I live alone, but there is a couple that lives about a kilometer from me.
A few days later I had the opportunity to talk to the couple. I asked them if they had heard the sounds. They both looked at me with wide eyes. They seemed so relieved that they were not imagining the sounds. The husband told me that he saw a tall pale white humanoid walking through the woods behind their house while he was chopping wood. I asked him what he thought it was. He said that he wasn't sure, but he remembered that his father would talk about Wendigos when he was a boy.
I have not seen the humanoid again, and I'm not really sure what this thing is.