A western Massachusetts woman is with friends at a local cemetery. She notices the shadow of something moving. She investigates and encounters a Dogman with human-like eyes.
"I grew up in a small western Massachusetts town (Adams) below the Berkshires. It was July 4, 2017. I worked in a cafe in town and had to work during the holiday. My shift ended around five o'clock and I had plans to go to the Bellevue Cemetery with friends for some peace and quiet. I was tired of all the noise from the day and wasn't interested in fireworks that night.
I met up with everyone outside my house and we picked up some fast food before leaving. There are about five of us and we all started walking down to the cemetery eating and chatting as we made our way to the cemetery. The cemetery wasn't huge but it was big enough that we could find a quiet place to sit and hang out for a bit.
After we got there we were all settled under a tree. I relaxed and just listened while everyone else was talking. I was still reeling from work and how busy the day was for me. That's when I noticed something moving in the distance behind a few mausoleums. It was dark and I could only make out a shadow. I couldn't tell what I was looking at and figured an animal had come down from the mountain and wandered into town after smelling all the barbecuing. Then I saw whatever it was sprint from behind one mausoleum to the next. It was way too big to be a wolf or a mountain lion but too fast to be anything large like a bear. It startled me for a minute. I couldn't imagine any animal I could think of being out in the light of day like this. It made me nervous.
My friends noticed a change in the look on my face and asked me what was wrong. I didn't want to say I saw a big scary shadow running around the cemetery. I thought they'd make fun of me, so I just shrugged it off and said it was nothing. But I couldn't stop thinking about what I had seen.
Right then I saw the figure again. It sprinted back further into the cemetery, this time behind gravestones and then behind a tree. My curiosity got the best of me at this point and I played it off like I needed to walk. I headed off in the direction of the shadow when I saw it take off again. I noticed it had an unbelievably large head. I couldn't tell how tall it was but I knew it was bigger than any of us and the quick glance that I got at it reminded me of a man completely covered in hair. I just thought that my mind was playing tricks on me, but I was still curious.
I approached the mausoleum that it had been hiding behind. I looked down to be sure not to trip and froze. There in the dirt was an enormous footprint the size of my forearm and complete with claws right there in the soil. I started to panic, a little puzzled by something I didn't yet understand. I had never heard of a creature with a footprint so big in my whole life. I proceeded with caution towards the tree that it had ducked behind. I just needed to know if I was crazy or if we were actually in danger. I got to the tree and found nothing behind it. No one was crouching or hiding from us.
That's when a cluster of leaves fell from the tree above and hit me on their way down. I heard a loud rustling too. There was no breeze. I slowly lifted my head to look up. There, glaring down at me, was a hideous dog creature with eyes shaped like a human but amber-colored and terrifyingly piercing! This dog creature was as long as the branch it was laying on as it slowly growled at me.
I ran back to my friends and told them we had to go immediately. They protested at first but then one of them caught a glimpse of the creature jumping down from the tree. She didn't get a good look at it only a shadow and all she could tell was that it was huge. We all grabbed our things and made our way out of the cemetery. The friend that had seen the shadow asked me what it was. I played it off saying I didn't see the shadow, only signs of a coyote circling around, and felt scared. I didn't describe the dog creature or acknowledge it.
I no longer live in the area and haven't heard of any encounters with the dog creature since my encounter. Maybe it went into the mountains and stayed there.
